Monday, November 3, 2014

weekend warrior {just kidding, i spray painted some chairs}

Q and I tackled the garage the other day. When we moved into our current home I was 7 months pregnant. So with a moving company and lots of help, we put the house together. But the garage didn't see much love.

With the garage looking so good, I couldn't avoid these rusty folding chairs any longer. 

We have had these folding chairs that we bought on an auction  for years. But they were looking pretty tough so I picked up a can of spray paint and gave the chairs a quick spray. 

the BEFORE picture
I used a steel brush to smooth out the rusty areas.
mid process
final product! I used the seat again because the seats were in very good shape and I hate to create unnecessary waste. :)  

There are tons of cute redo ideas for folding chairs on Pinterest. We mainly use these chairs in the garage. Specifically Q uses them for his {insert robot/computer voice} fantasy football league draft. So I love theses next two ideas but, I don't think that Q and his buddies would be that impressed! A couple of cute examples: here  & here.

What is your latest DIY?

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