Friday, August 29, 2014

HGTV crazy! or just crazy :0)

I have a love for most things HGTV. I am not a do it yourself person, I have no plans on moving, or remodeling, but I will watch HGTV nonstop for hours on end. (probably a lot less now that I am a mom!) When it comes to houses and design I can't get enough!

These are some of my favorite blogs and websites for all things house:

Hooked on Houses |  it incorporates celeb houses, remodel before and afters, and cool houses around the US.

real e stalker  |  celeb owned homes and luxury real estate, lots of homes to drool over... And some added snark

houzz  |  duh, this is a no brainier, best house photos ever!

rate my space  |  on viewers upload pics and other people can comment or ask questions sort of a precursor to

What are your favorite websites and blogs for all things design?

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